Crystal Ravenwolf
My Story
Greetings! As you already know, my name is Crystal Ravenwolf and I am
a Witch, but I am also a mother of 4 beautiful children. Michael 18, Candace 16, Carley 12, and Angel 9.
I am very proud of them. My son Michael is tall and lanky with dark brown eyes that you can get lost in and long brown hair.
Out of all my children he is probably the most like me. He has a deep love for eighties and nineties rock (my influence ofcourse! lol) and
loves to be outside skateboarding or simply communing with Nature. He is very strong on his spiritual path and is the backbone of our family. My daughter Candace is tiny, blonde and the typical cheerleader! lol
She is my Diva! She is truly a free spirit and I love her for that! She is the heart of our family! Carly is the lost piece of my heart that I can only pray that the Goddess will return to me one day. I gave her up to her father when she was
only 9 months old as I was too strung out on heroin to take care of her. I have never regreted this decision even though not a day goes by that I don't long for her.
But it was the first unselfish thing I've ever done in my life as her father is a good man and could give her a life I never could. I know I have alot to explain to her and it won't be easy, but it is all that
I want in this world. My youngest is my Angel. She was my 'clean' baby and my second chance to be a good mother. She is extremely tiny but
tough as nails! lol She is quite the little tomboy who idolizes her older brother and loves to spend time with him outside 'grinding' on her skateboard
which I have to admit scares me to death! lol But I try and give her the freedom to be who she is and it has worked because she is simply the best person I have ever met!
As for me, I am a professional bellydancer who lives life 'One Day at a Time'! The last few years have been rough but I have grown so much!The biggest lesson I have learned is that life goes on and as the Wheel turns
in this Enchanted Journey called life, there are going to be times when my faith is going to be truly tested and
as much as I would like to give up I cannot. For I am a daughter of Hecate and for that if nothing else,
I will stand tall and strong with my head held high...... remembering..........It is in the darkest of skies
that the stars can best be seen! So Mote It Be!
My two beloved guides for whom I have been named after
As winter descends,
two kindred spirits-
Wolf and Raven prevail,
ever wise, sly, playful, hardy...
mythical creatures,
sacred to the native peoples...