A Witch's 12-Step Program
1. We admitted we were powerless over alcohol(drugs) and that our lives had become umanagable.
2. Came to believe that the Goddess could restore our balance.
3. Made a decision to use our will to turn our lives over to the care of the Goddess, as we understand Her.
4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. Laid our harmful thoughts and behaviors at the altar of the Goddess, submitting to Her gaze, and our own gaze, and that of another Priest/ess.
6. Were entirely ready to excise these harmful thoughts and behaviors through consecrated service to the Goddess.
7. Humbly offered our harmful thoughts and behaviors as a sacrifice to the Goddess and Her service.
8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to balance our Karma.
9. Balanced our Karma with such people wherever possible, except when to do so would incur greater karmic debt.
10. Continue to bring our human mistakes to the altar of the Goddess for Her sacrificial service, as soon as we have awareness of such.
11. Sought, through prayer, meditation, ritual and observance of the Wheel of the Year to improve our concious contact with the Goddess as we understand Her, praying for strength of will, and the conviction and power to carry our will AND IT HARM NONE.
12. Having has a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we offer this message to any Witch who asks, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
I came across this information several years ago. It was posted in a newsgroup in response to a question asking if there was a 12-step program for pagans. I will quote the introduction given to the posting, so proper credit can be given.~Firedancer
"This was given to me by one of my coven members who thought that everyone in the coven oughta have a copy (and now it's coming in handy!) Written by her too!~Cinnamon Minx
Adapted from The Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous, 1939. Adaption copyright: Morningstar, 1993.
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