Animal Totems
Each person has nine animal totems that walk through their life with them,
teaching and guiding them.
These animals are found in 7 directions around your spirit:
East, South, West, North, Above, Below and Within.
To find your Seven Totems, see below for a Medicine Card reading.
The last two animals are walking beside you at all times;
your Right Side (male) and your Left Side (feminine).
They are your protectors.
The animal in the East guides you to your greatest spiritual
challenges and guards your path to illumination.
The animal in the South protects the child within and reminds
you when to be humble and when to trust, so that innocence will
be balanced in your personality.
The animal in the West leads you to your personal truth and
inner answers. It also shows you the path to your goals.
The North animal gives wise councel and reminds you when to
speak and when to listen. It also reminds you to be grateful
for every blessing every day.
The Above animal teaches you how to honor the Great Star Nation,
and reminds you that you came from the stars and to the stars
you will return. This animal is also the guardian of the
Dreamtime - for your personal access to the other dimensions.
The Below animal teaches you about the inner Earth, and
how to stay grounded and on the path.
The Within animal teaches you how to find your heart's joy and
how to be faithful to your personal truths. It is also the
protector of your sacred space, the place that is yours alone
and is never shared except by invitation.
This animal protects your male side and teaches you that, no
matter where you turn, it will be your Father-protector within.
This animal also carries your courage and warrior spirit.
Left side (female):
This animal is the protector of your female side and teaches
you that you must learn to receive abundance as well as to
nurture yourself and others. The left-side animal is also your
teacher about relationships and mothering.
If you would like your Animal Totem Cards read,
please send your name, address to:
Totem Readings are $35.00
I will read your cards and email you the written results
including a description of each of your animals
and what they mean for you.
You can use the PayPal button below for payment,
or you can pay by check or money order.
Email me at addy above for details.
Special Notation:
The Right Side animal and the Left Side animal are always with you.
ALL of us carry male AND female essences within us, and the
two related animal spirits are with you at all times.
Not all people, but some people already know who these
animals are, or who at least one of them is. During the revealing
ceremony (reading), special consideration is given concerning
these particular two animal totems.
If you KNOW your Right Side and Left Side Totem,
or even one of them, you may simply state who they
are in your email when you order you reading.
But only if you already, and without a doubt, know which animal
it is for which Direction. It is highly unwise and extremely
disrespectful to proceed with a "ceremonial" revealing if you already
know. If your feelings, truly, are not that strong about it,
then the wise thing to do is to put your trust into the ceremony.
Learn the Medicines of the Animals
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